CX of M Industry best practices Awards 

The CX of M Industry Best Practices Awards are designed to recognize organizational and individual contributions in customer experience management based on three principles:

  • Best Practices 

  • Innovative Techniques 

  • Getting Results


Understanding the Customer

This award recognizes an outstanding use of any type of voice of the customer research to uncover meaningful customer insight(s). A successful submission should demonstrate how the insight(s) drove the development of a new customer experience(s) that created new value for the customer and the company. The award recognizes the ability of the organization to use research to catapult their CX discipline to the next level by galvanizing and driving change across the enterprise for the purpose of better serving customer needs.


Experience Design (Both CX and UX)

This award recognizes the ability of an organization to use customer insights to develop a CX/UX design innovation regardless of channel (i.e.,  mobile app, retail merchandising, marketing or social campaign, how customers are handled, an overall CX/UX process, etc.). To qualify for the award the CX/UX design innovation must be able to demonstrate BOTH customer and organization/business success metrics that clearly illustrate the impact of the innovation. Success metrics may include any combination of qualitative and quantitative data tied to a defined set of KPIs. 


Employee Experience and Engagement

This award recognizes an organization’s work in the last year to dramatically improve employee happiness, engagement, and effectiveness of the employee experience. To qualify, the organization should be able to illustrate the actions it has taken, processes and/or training it has developed to motivate all levels of the organization in its journey to move ahead of its peers. It should be able to show measurable business success metrics (qualitative and/or quantitative) that demonstrate how its employee engagement program has created value for the enterprise.  


Customer Feedback and Continuous Improvement

This award recognizes the effective use of customer feedback to drive CX improvement. Strategies can include the creation of an ongoing closed loop quantitative and qualitative process designed to continually uncover and solve customer pain points, and create new value for customers. It can also include the development of new processes to leverage customer insights as core strategic input in the development and prioritization of CX initiatives.


Customer-Centric Culture

This award recognizes the organization's development of a strong CX culture, where CX is driven from the top down and is tightly integrated into the customer and employee journeys.  To qualify, the organization must be able to demonstrate the steps that you have taken, including the strategies you have employed, to develop a culture that values and rewards customer experience across the whole organization. This means collaboration with all departments and monitoring all customer touchpoints. The organization must demonstrate that it is winning in its field because it has successfully implemented the following: 1) engaged employees, 2) satisfied customers, and 3) a system/process in place that keeps it all going.


The David Robbins Individual Leadership Award for the Advancement of CX 

This award is for an individual who demonstrated leadership by inspiring change, motivating or leading a team that made a significant improvement to CX in their organization.  This person should have played a key role and likely overcame internal obstacles and demonstrated determination and commitment to developing CX solution(s) that benefited the customer and the organization. The winner’s story may include a set of “lessons learned” and/or a case study in inspiring and affirming the importance of prioritizing CX to achieve results that others will be motivated to duplicate.





CX of M is giving awards in order to promote awareness, teach, and share great ideas.  All of this so that Michigan organizations can improve their customers' experience. 


The nomination process is as follows:

  • The awards program is self-nomination - you are nominating your company.
  • Nomination submissions will be online using the following link: Award Nomination Submission Form 


The Awards Timeline is as follows:

  • Round 1 Written Submission Due: 7/15/2022
  • Round 1 Finalists Announced:  8/15/2022   
  • Round 2 Video Submission Due: 9/15/2022
  • Round 2 Winners Announced: 10/25/2022
  • Awards Dinner: 10/25/2022
  • CXM Conference: 10/26-27/2022

All Finalists will be invited and Winners will be announced at the CX of M Industry Best Practices Awards Dinner on Tuesday 10/25/2022 at the Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center in East Lansing.


  • All Finalists and Winners will be expected to present at the CXM 360 Conference on Wednesday and Thursday 10/26-27/2022 at the Kellogg Center Hotel & Conference Center in East Lansing, Michigan. 
  • The CX of M Awards Committee may contact you in order to get more information or for clarification.
  • CX of M reserves the right to share all content submitted without restriction.




Understanding the Customer, Experience Design, Employee Engagement, Customer Feedback and Continuous Improvement, Customer-Centric Culture


  • What is the initiative (Provide a brief overview of the initiative)? 10 points
  • Why did you decide to do this (Explain why there was a need for this initiative)? 25 points
  • How did you achieve success and who was involved (Describe how you ensured success and who helped)? 25 points
  • What were the results (Present the results of the initiative using facts and statistics)? 40 points
  • Comments: Any additional information the judges should know
  • Note: For Winners of Round 1 who proceed to Round 2 Video submission, the judges can submit additional questions to the finalist so they can include the responses in the video submission. 


Individual Leadership Award for the Advancement of CX


  • What is the initiative (Give a brief overview of the initiative)? 10 points
  • Why did the individual decide to do this (Explain why there was a need for this initative)? 25 points
  • How did the individual achieve success, how did they lead and motivate others, what obstacles did they have to overcome and how did they accomplish this? How did they get external and internal allies to support the initiative?  40 points
  • Describe how the individual ensured success and who helped. What were the results and what CX lessons were learned (Present the results of the initiative using facts and statistics and include key CX lessons learned)? 25 points
  • Comments: Any additional information the judges should know



  • Excellent storytelling and clarity will certainly help.

  • Be sure to provide context.

  • Insights should tie to human behavior.

  • Video submissions should be no longer than 10 minutes

  • Do not share information you wouldn't want to be made public.  

  • CX of M is about best practice sharing, so please keep this in mind.


Additional information:

  • There is no entry fee
  • Eligibility is restricted to Michigan organizations
  • You can enter in more than one category  
  • CX of M reserves the right to re-categorize entries
  • Winners may publicize/promote the CX of M Award in promotional materials